
Showing posts from October, 2018

led skyltar

Can-bus stands for controller area network and is a specialized communication network that allows devices within the vehicle to communicate to the cars computer or ECU. With this complex system in place, the driver will be notified of any parts of the vehicle that are not operating within the manufacturers limitations such as non-functioning lights, low tire pressure, parts that are not working correctly, and more. Many modern European vehicles such as Audi, BMW, Porsche, Mercedes-Benz, and more are the most common candidates for can-bus systems; although some of the newer American cars are starting to develop this technology as well. With aftermarket LED lights, vehicles with can-bus systems are not optimized for these lights so special can-bus or "error free" LED bulbs were created to solve this issue. Can-bus LED bulbs solve the problem using three common ways: Raise the wattage using built-in resistors, using higher wattage LED diodes, or raise the wattage using c...


These days it seems that if you own a boat, you can't help but have heard how LEDs are the miracle technology of today that promises to do everything from slash your electricity use by two thirds to ensure you'll never change another light bulb. As is the case with most new technologies, or in the case of LEDs, technologies that only seem new, the truth is closer to a middle ground than all the hype suggests. However, this is not to say LEDs don't hold a great deal of promise and potential, they do, only that there is more to the story than just amazing claims. By far the largest excitement around LEDs has been revolving around their extremely high efficiency. Producing on the order of 60 to 100 lumens per watt compared to the paltry 15 lumens per watt of an incandescent, LEDs are indeed far more efficient than traditional light bulbs. One of the problems often made when suggesting expected improvements in overall efficiency however come from the failure to note tha...